April 22, 2022
Monitoring Requirements Not Met for Delaware Co RWSG & SWM District 11
Our water system violated drinking water requirements. Even though this was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct the situation.
We are required to monitor your drinking water for specific contaminants on a regular basis. Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether or not your drinking water meets health standards. During the following monitoring periods, we did not complete all monitoring or testing for the following contaminants, and therefore cannot be sure of the quality of your drinking water during that time.
Type of Sample(s) |
Monitoring Period(s) |
12/1/2021 To 12/31/2021 |
12/1/2021 To 12/3 1/2021 |
1/1/2021 To 12/31/2021 |
What should I do? There is nothing you need to do at this time.
What happened? What is being done? During personnel changes at the end of 2021, we failed to perform a required monthly BACT test. This has now been corrected and is being performed monthly.
We anticipate resolving the problem by this date: This was resolved in January 2022
For more information, please contact Jim Sixkiller at 918-457-6536 or
Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses).
Date PN Distributed: 04/22/2022
PWSID No. OK3002157 County: DELAWARE